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Tongling Yuanyi Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
Address: 129 west Cuihu road 5, Tongling Economic Development   Zone, Anhui Province

Tel:+86 13956259526       

Tel:+86 13905620906


Pot & Plunger for semi

Plunger for Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Plastic Packaging Mould
Release time:2019-05-06 10:53:56 | Browse times:

Plunger for Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Plastic Packaging Mould


 Last chapter:Pot for Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Plastic Packaging Mould
 Next chapter:Spiral plunger
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Tongling Yuanyi Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.

Tel:+86 13956259526        Tel:+86 13905620906       

Address: 129 west Cuihu road 5, Tongling Economic Development Zone, Anhui Province

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